Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Promise of Forever

Wedding is one of my favorite event. I like the idea of planning, choosing the details etc, etc and of course the pictures....

Ohhh..... Shoes!!!

Getting ready to be Mrs. Agustin... Finally, the heart give in..

Hey little girl, your time will come to be a bride......hihihi....

xxxx @ xxxx

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Assorted Outfit

Showing some of my assorted outfit posted from my Multiply account.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Color is Pink

                        Attended a nice wedding wearing all Pink dress match with a SAK bag

 My SHOE!!! A strappy snake skin pump shoes..

My one and only sneakers! Good it matches my dress.. I like playing around with this shoe. It match to every dresses that I wear.... Love it!!

The Groom Eric poses with me. I wish you all the happiness in the world together with your wife.

Together with our friend Rizz...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We're busy but FUN!

Two weeks ago me and my friends are busy with the upcoming wedding ...... Good thing bunch of friends have all the resources and talents, the couple don't have to spend much ;-)  hihihi....

I love doing photoshoot. Started early morning till afternoon.....

Posted some of our photos......

Ryan gave me a nice pose.

Operation Grab-the-Jacket!! but it never left his waist.. tsk,tsk...

Aries from the block!

It's GI Jane on the house...

Of course am in-charge of the production design, outfits and make-up ;-)

Our 2 guys, comparing their shoots..... soon to be posted at

I love working with you guys..... Great job indeed!  See you on our next project ;-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Asian Inspired

A Chinese Theater. It was a mailbox before and now it was a total wrecked ;-(.....

Buddah will welcome you as you enter the house

I can't help but to take pictures. How lovely the Asian inspired house of a friend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

While at work

Quick post........ Wearing Floral Dress and Kitty Jacket bought in HKG..... Got to go, my work is waiting for me in vain.....